Better the Electric Shaver or the Shaver blade? All the Pros and Cons

Sooner or later, every man will find himself wondering whether to buy a traditional shaver, the well-known shaver blade, or opt for one of those jewels of the technique that are modern electric shavers and beard trimmers on the market.

In this brief survey, we will try to guide you in choosing what best suits your needs, presenting all the pros and cons of traditional and electric shavers.

What skin do you have?

One of the first factors to consider for an optimal choice concerns the type of skin to which the tool will refer. For example, some skins are susceptible to shaving, indomitable, or particularly curly beards, skins with difficulty quickly healing the micro-wounds caused by shaving.

In the face of oily or susceptible skin, the electric shaver, which is much more delicate on the skin and does not present the risk, instead of widespread with the shaver blade, scratching or cutting during the operation, will certainly be preferred.

The manual shaver also provides for the use of shaving foam and aftershave, which could cause redness or be poorly tolerated by susceptible skin.

The electric shaver will not give optimal results in particularly thick or bristly beards, for which the blade is much more suitable. This is because the electric shaver’s blades act differently than those of the blades: they do not raise the hair but cut it by taking it between two blades as if it were a pair of scissors.

Furthermore, the blades of the electric shaver do not directly touch the skin: what you feel flowing on your face is not the blade, but a thin blade that moves the skin and allows the real blade – in a completely protected position – to intercept the hair and cut it clean.

That’s why it doesn’t hurt. Not counting on the ” clean ” cut of the shaver blade, the electric shaver exploits the skin’s elasticity to ensure optimal shaving. In addition, by moving the head of the shaver on the face, the hair will be exhibited from time to time to the underlining without the need for other precautions.

A fact remains on which all opinions agree: the shaver blade can perfectly shave any beard. In contrast, an electric shaver will not give its best result except for specific hair types, no matter how expensive or technological.

How do you shave?

One aspect to keep in mind if you ask yourself which one to choose between an electric shaver or a shaver blade is how you are used to taking care of your beard. Better the electric shaver or the traditional one, then? If you often travel by plane, you always have too little time, and you dream of shaving in the shower, there is little to doubt: the electric shaver is the solution that best suits your way of starting the day.

Do you often travel by plane? Unlike the shaver blade, the electric shaver does not have any problem if checked in as hand luggage. However, it might seem that it takes up more space. Still, if you consider that the traditional shaver must be accompanied by shaving foam and aftershave, we will find ourselves concluding that the electric shaver occupies less space in the bag.

If you have a busy life and are used to shaving absentmindedly while brushing your teeth or under a three-minute shower, that must be enough to escape the entire morning ritual, and the shaver blade is not for you.

Shaving manually takes time and attention to avoid injuring yourself or forgetting passages – essential for healthy skin – such as applying shaving foam. The electric shaver does not hurt, even after a careless shave.

But cannot use electric shavers in the shower, someone will think: wrong, today there are shavers on the market that can safely use both in dry, dry, and wet mode or in the shower or with the help of creme for shaving.

On the other hand, one must say that the shaver blade does not need any maintenance, even in the most advanced means with interchangeable blades, while the care of the electric shaver requires a minimum of attention.

Do you love the shaving ritual? If you cannot do without the shaving foam brush and the morning ritual of wire shaving, needless to say, it won’t be easy to find an electric shaver that replaces the beloved shaver blade.

It is true that electric shavers – also thanks to the market’s expansion – are becoming increasingly comfortable and technological. Moreover, the huge choice available is making more and more men opt for an electric shaver.

The blades are more and more precise, and the experience becomes more pleasant from evolution to evolution. To date, for example, solutions with rotating blade systems – instead of linear ones – allow you to treat even the curliest beards well.

Do you like to change? If you are also dynamic in appearance and want to guarantee the possibility of experimenting with different looks, the electric shaver is certainly more suitable for you. For example, in addition to adjusting the hair length during the cutting phase, you could opt for a weekly or fortnightly shave that will make you have a shaved beard effect for many days.

Using the shaver blade means adjusting the depth of the shave and accelerating the hair’s growth, thus having to shave much more often.

The economic aspect

The price is a speech that, sooner or later, should be addressed. How much does an electric shaver cost? Is it worth investing in such an expense? A quality electric shaver, in general, allows you to amortize the initial price in a few months.

It should not be forgotten that even the shaver blades, or their components, must be replaced cyclically and that their life is concise. Not all manual shavers are also particularly cheap: some have safety devices, additional blades, or strips between the blades that improve the shaving experience.

Shaver blades of this kind can cost up to £75, a sign that quality has its cost: whether it is for electric shaver or little shaver blade changes, The spare parts of an electric shaver cost from £25 to £45, and it is rare to find a good shaver below £75. Thus, at least initially, it is an expense that can affect one’s menage but which will certainly be repaid over time.

Also, the electric shaver has a much lesser impact on the environment: traditional shavers are often disposable. In any case, should not use the blades for more than two or three shaves not to risk damaging the skin.

If you are a convinced ecologist, you will face the initial outlay with the awareness of making a useful gesture for the environment.

Which one to choose?

Are you still wondering which to choose between an electric shaver or a shaver blade? Also, take into consideration other factors:

  • Practicality: the blade certainly maneuvers better and allows you to make exact cuts; the electric shaver will need some practice before it becomes easy to handle and simple to use.
  • Speed: We said that the electric shaver, in the economy of a constant shave, is ultimately faster. But what if we need to shave perfectly in a minute? Well, only the shaver blade allows a perfect for shaving with a single pass, which is why in an emergency, it will certainly be for you.
  • The footprint: obviously, the electric shaver needs more space to be stored, and it almost always carries a series of accessories (power supply, interchangeable heads, etc.), which are also cumbersome. Not wanting to consider the need for other products, the blade is certainly smaller, lighter, and easier to handle.
  • The availability of spare parts: a sore point of electric shaver is certainly in the physiological obsolescence of high-tech machinery. We often do not find the right spare parts for the shaver, which we are fond of simply because it is no longer in production.

If compatible with your skin type and the way you love to shave, these last indications should help you choose the most suitable tool for you.

A rather simple decision!

We have tried to investigate the merits and defects of traditional and electric shavers widely, and the result appears unbalanced in favor of the purchase of an electric shaver.

So if you have no problems with the initial disbursement and don’t risk becoming too attached to an instrument that will soon disappear from the market, don’t be afraid to make unnecessary or oversized shopping.

If, on the other hand, you are unable to withstand the noise of an electrical machine or want to carry out the morning ritual with a brush, shaving foam, and aftershave at all costs, be aware that there are also extremely advanced solutions suitable for your needs, but probably less attentive to health. of your skin and the environment.

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