How do you prepare fruit and vegetable juices? How to make?

It is well known that the right daily intake of fruit and vegetables is essential for staying healthy. This is because fruits and vegetables ensure mineral salts, antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber.

Thanks to a greater focus on healthy eating, centrifuged products and fruit and vegetable extracts have started to spread – both at the bar and at home. They are good, healthy, and effectively replace traditional fruit and vegetable consumption.

So let’s see how to make fruit and vegetable juices.

Is it possible to make a fruit and vegetable centrifuge without a Juicer Machine?

First of all, let’s remove any doubts about it: is it possible to make juicers without a juicer machine? One of the peculiarities of juicer machines consists of extracting juice from leaf vegetables or fruits. Generally, it is not possible to obtain the pulp with the most common tools.

For example, in the case of citrus fruits, it is possible to obtain an extremely smooth and pure juice even with a simple blender, if first, we have the foresight to remove all the seeds and to peel the fruits well, and then to filter the juice with a cloth.

Here it is worth mentioning another essential peculiarity of the juice machine. Some filters select the product to be processed inside the juice machine, gradually excluding the solid or fibrous parts.

While from the blender, or a juicer, we will always obtain the result of the entire product’s processing, including fibers, seeds, and other solid components. The centrifuge produces a smooth and deprived juice of most of the fibrous materials.

It is possible to obtain excellent crystalline juices without a juice machine, but only cases and high energy expenditure. In any case, our juice will certainly be denser, less watery, and clearer than the true centrifuged ones.

Our question is clear: what is prepared without the machinery suitable for the purpose is not being a real centrifuged? So let’s see, get suitable tools, how to make a juice.

Which foods to choose?

The first rule for obtaining good juicer machine products is in the choice of ingredients: the drink’s specific properties, but also the yield capacity of the instrument will depend on this. For example, not all vegetables are good for spinning.

The juicer machine is ideal for foods that contain large quantities of liquids, such as beets, celery, cucumbers, apples, carrots, grapes. However, it is not suitable to treat particularly fibrous foods such as bananas, figs, mango, for which it is preferable to use a robot or a blender.

An essential quality of the centrifuge lies in extracting minerals and nutrients from the peel of fruit and vegetables, which can insert into the instrument without being previously deprived. This applies to peels that are not particularly thick or hard, which could ruin the instrument’s blades.

Should eliminate even the seeds and cores before inserting our ingredients – possibly cut into small pieces – inside the appliance. The choice will also depend on what beneficial effects we want to obtain from our juice.

  • As part of a detoxifying and purifying diet, pineapple, cucumber, fennel, lemon, celery, ginger, pomegranate, and red cabbage will be recommended.
  • We should instead try watermelon, fennel, blueberries, pineapple, and beetroot to combat water retention.
  • To prevent and fight cold and flu, it is good to use orange, lemon, chili pepper, ginger, and cauliflower.

The list of benefits brought by the right consumption of fruits and vegetables is much more extensive. To date, there is no shortage of guides, publications, and articles from which it is possible to draw beneficial indications to improve the quality of our food.

How to prepare fruit and vegetable juice?

Once the ingredients have been chosen, let’s see how to proceed with the juice’s preparation.

  • First of all, we need to prepare the ingredients: some, as we have seen, will be cleaned and peeled; for others, it will be enough that they are well washed. Once cleaned, the fruits and vegetables will be cut into pieces, more or less large, depending on the juicer machine model available.
  • You can use a juicer: insert the pieces of fruit and vegetables little by little, with the machine running, taking care not to insert too many of them together, which would produce excessive pressure on the blades. The operation should never last longer than 5 minutes, as excessive heating of the blades could compromise the stability of the products’ nutrients.
  • As soon as it begins its work, the juicer machine begins to pour its finished product into a special container. When we have reached the desired amount of juice, stop inserting fruit and vegetables and turn off the machine.
  • It is important to clean the appliance, in all its parts, thoroughly and after each use. Almost all juicer machines on the market are composed of removable parts precisely to allow adequate maintenance.

As you will notice from the first experience, this tool produces a fair amount of waste, generally fibrous plant material. It is good to know that can reuse this waste to produce homemade vegetable nuts or, in the case of particularly sugary fruits, an excellent mixture for fruit desserts.

How do you use the juicer machine?

After seeing how the juicer machines are made, it is quite evident that most of the work is concentrated in the preparatory phase, after which all our machinery will do.

It will be good to investigate how to use the juicer machine in the right way to prevent it from being damaged or from under-using an instrument potentially so rich in merits.

First of all, it is good to make sure that the products are fresh and ripe for the right point so that they contain an adequate quantity of liquids; an unripe fruit would allow the extraction of a minimum quantity of juice going wasted.

It is also a good habit since it is a motorized appliance to find a suitable location for the instrument: it is on a stable surface, near a power outlet, but away from excessive heat sources.

Before operating the appliance motor, ensure that the food is ready to be inserted and the final container positioned in correspondence with the nozzle.

It is important not to turn the blades idle to avoid overheating, which could compromise their functionality. So make sure you have enough fruit or vegetables in the machine before operating it!

A new way of consuming fruit and vegetables

We have seen how juicer machines are made, which raw materials to choose, how to use the juicer machine, and how to make juices without a juicer machine.

We now know how well the quality of a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and active nutrients can improve our lives’ quality. Yet, for reasons of time or attention, it often happens to give up those famous 5 rations of fruit and vegetables identified by the medical community as the basis for proper nutrition.

In this juice, extracts and centrifuged vegetables are a huge advance, as they allow you not to give up the beneficial properties of the vegetable world even in the case of a quick breakfast or an aperitif at the bar.

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